We welcome you to Vet Analyseis
The research of clinical cases in the daily clinical veterinary practice, in addition to knowledge of the subject, clinical experience and personal involvement, often requires laboratory support.
The laboratory veterinarian is a partner and assistant of the clinic, with the provision of specialized services. The search for microbial agents is an ethically and scientifically fundamental step in investigating the etiology of a disease.
Through the process of culturing biological materials, isolating and identifying the responsible microbial agent, and testing for susceptibility to antimicrobials, the clinical veterinarian can clinically approach the incident and lead to the diagnosis and successful treatment of the animal.
Realizing the need to provide a high level of services to the clinical veterinarian, we have been operating since April 2012, the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory VET Analyseis.
With responsibility, reliability, honesty, professionalism and respect for the colleague and his patient, we perform serological analyzes and cultures of biological materials in veterinary clinical samples.
We hope for a good cooperation, in order to further improve the level of our services.
Collegially yours

In the field of pets, the collaboration of the microbiological laboratory with the clinical veterinarian contributes in many ways to the research and treatment of clinical cases, by isolating bacterial agents and selecting appropriate chemotherapeutic substances. Also, preventively and diagnostically, the presence of various protozoan diseases can be indirectly detected by performing serological tests.
Productive Animals
In the field of productive animals, laboratory research contributes both preventively and therapeutically to the management of a farm in the following ways:
Diagnostic approach to pathogenic conditions (mastitis, diarrhea, sudden death, miscarriage, etc.) by isolating and identifying bacterial agents and then testing for susceptibility to antibiotics.
Research of prevalence of various bacterial and viral diseases with serological tests in a breeding.
Periodic preventive control of infectious diseases in breeding.
Diagnostic examination of animals for infectious diseases before their introduction into a livestock unit, preventing the risk of spreading diseases.